Agile Data

Agile Data

Adjust to Changing Business Needs…  Align Business and Data Strategy

Traditional data processing methods alone no longer satisfy the growing information access needs of business users. There is an increasing awareness from business of available data technologies that can support their analytics and reporting needs.  The demand from the top for improved business performance metrics and insights create urgency that requires thoughtful rapid delivery.

Plan for Agility….Iterate, and Continuously Improve

The business wants access to data ASAP but many times there is a disconnect between IT and end-users on the actual information needs. INGEST, PROCESS, DELIVER, REPEAT. Participation by all parties involved in the data lifecycle, inclusive of business, data engineers, and business data analysts.

Implement DevOps CI/CD for DATA

We help build platforms that can continuously integrate changes to physical database environments, data processing, data science, and business intelligence platforms through advanced techniques using automated testing, containers, and managed workflows that allow your data team to respond to business change efficiently and effectively.

Our data tactics focus on agility in delivery and tactical focus to achieve results iteratively.

Data Tactics

  • Assess
  • Ingest
  • Process
  • Store
  • Analyze
  • Deliver
  • Enhance
  • Manage

Data Processing

  • Ingest
  • Process
  • Deliver

Data Consumption

  • Access
  • Analyze
  • Enhance
  • Decide or Predict